My First Post! Introduction to lifeofmayur!
Helloooooooo fellow earthlings,
(Note: This article is from July 31, 2019)
My name is Mayur Rajesh and I don’t really know how to blog but I’m gonna give it a go cuz yolo. I am 19 years old and from the United States. I am currently in summer vacation at my parents home in Bangalore, India. I am a student at Temple University, where I am studying Psychology. I won’t take the time to describe myself because I hope that my personality will shine through my future posts.
I decided to create a blog because of many reasons. First, I wanted to create a personal legacy of sorts, one that records my thoughts and experiences for when I am sitting on my deathbed, wondering if I have lived a life that I am proud of. It feels like I cannot remember most of my days; maybe because my memory is shot, or maybe because I live that much of an exciting life 😉. So documenting my most important thoughts as I traverse on my spiritual path seemed like a necessity for me. Secondly, I wanted to express my thoughts to my friends and followers, because if I am going through something of some sort and make a realization that helps, I could be helping someone else in the same situation. Lastly, I want to provide people with the most valuable virtue in understanding this complex world: Perspective. I truly believe that looking at things from different points of view is so important in order to be wise and joyful in knowing yourself and your relationships.
I am far from perfect in my journey towards being my ideal self, and I am known to be an obnoxiously hypocritical goofball. So if I say something on here and do not exhibit it in my everyday life, just know I am trying my best to put knowledge into action, and point it out if you can, because we are all in this together.
I also am quite terrible at writing, as you can tell already, but one of the reasons for creating this blog was certainly NOT to exhibit my ‘beautiful writing style and intricate diction’.
This blog will consist of teachings through experiences, because plain advice and thoughts without context kind of sucks because the only way to really learn is through unfamiliar experiences. And I urge you all to get as much out of your comfort zone and experience all you can, because the realizations and growth that sow from it are profound.
I have had this idea for a while, and watching A Star is Born last night made me put it into existence. If you have not watched it already, it’s a beautiful movie with many useful morals. The quote from the movie that sparked the creation of my first post was when Bradley Cooper says to Lady Gaga “ All you’ve got is you, and what you want to say to the world.” And I was like ooooooooh mama I gotta get on my blog.
Goodbye for now, and Welcome to a Journey of Uncertainty 😉.